Sunday, March 29, 2015

hair loss medication

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before treat hair loss, should we understand  many cause of hair loss. hair loss caused genetics, illnes, stress and the food we eat.

if you have severe hair loss, the first step collaborate with your doctor to get the best treatment. This tips not bad to cure hair loss. however the doctor is an experts that was learned and have experience to solve problems base his expertise.

this is medical drugs that usually use for solve hair loss
minoxidil can stop hair loss or make thicken hair. effective for strengthen the root and make folikel more big. monoxidil save use for women and this drugs can buy without doctor prescription.the hair loss was approved by FDA. for use this drugs is simple, apply on head skin twice per day. the budget for three amount approximately $50

some people use monixidil love it because work well, but some people feel if this drugs not good because their hair remains thin. some people say that this drug not work approximaely 10%.

common side effect is skin head irritation. Some women have hair growth on face and forehead
not used for pregnant women because can make birth defects for male baby. you can read the complete article on webmd dot com

if you want natural treatment use this way, some people from indonesian beleived if celery capable to thicken hair

celery contain natrium, vitamin A, Vitamin B, calcium, iron. read on  n.wikipedia dot org/wiki/Celery.Deficiency of vitamin B7 cause infertility and  hair loss see on en.wikipedia dot org/wiki/Avitaminosis. 

celery use for natural hair grower is very easy. get 10 celery stick, wash and cut in small pieces. input to the blender with egg that be shaken.apply to scalp with massage for accelerate blood circulation.

it is one way to thicken hair or decrease hair loss

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