Friday, March 27, 2015

Flu Treatment Naturally

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Flu Treatment Naturally

if you feel fever, cough, headache, fatigue you may have the flu. what should you do if you get sick ?
if we have the flu sometimes we don't need medical care or antiviral drug. take a rest at home and avoid contact with other persons.

you can consume vitamin C for grow up your immunity. on special cases  flu can make people have a serious risk if they are young children or people that have 65 old and older, pregnant women and people with certain medical condition. the medical conditions like asthma, heart disease, and diabetes have high risk if they have the flu.

if you are not in the medical condition like that I think you only need take a rest and consume the vitamin C. but if you feel more sick after a few days (3 or 4 days), call the doctor to get more specific treatment.

you can get vitamin c on lemon, yellow bell peppers, guavas and kale. medium lemon provide 69.7 mg, yellow bell peppers provide 183,5 on 100 mg, guavas provide 228.3 mg on 100 gram guavas, and kale provide 120mg in 100 gram guavas.

a serious  warning signs of flu in children

  1. fast breathing or the children get trouble when breathing.
  2. give more attention on the children skin.if your children have a bluish skin color be careful you must directly call your doctor.
  3. refused drink enough fluid
  4. normally the children interact if not this is dengerous condition.
  5. more irritable from ordinarily
  6. the fever and frequent of cought more and more

if the adults people have the flue and have a condition like this. that are dengereous situtaion

  1. difficulty when breathing or shortnes of breath
  2. get pain or pressure in the abdomen or chest
  3. confusion to do anything
  4. heavy or persistent vomiting this is my experience when i get flu

    • drink more water. 
    • Drink hot liquid like tea or green tea.
    • sleep with an extra pillow
    • gargle with warm water that contain salt, honey, or apple cider vinegar.
    • strengthen your immune system with eat antioxidants. diet in fruits and vegetables can help you to boost your immune system.
    • don't eat food that have empty calories like fast food, snack foods, candy and soda.
    • take a herbs or supplements that include garlic, ginseng, milk thistle or  astragalus.

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